Thin Film Fuel Cells and Molecular Manufacturing

At last some progress is slowly being made in the field of batteries! The recent news at FuturePundit is that thin film fuel cells will one day be efficient enough to lead significant changes in electric power distribution. The idea goes, once batteries get good enough, energy storage can be extensively decentralized, perhaps with synergistic increases in efficiency. Future Pundit’s article is also interesting for the long debate about solar power in the comments that followed but I wonder if some of the commentators are aware of the work pointed to by Demos Nanotech involving novel methods of electrolysis.

So why do I care about this?

Energy production, distribution and use are at the root of many serious political problems in these modern times. From our current occupation of Iraq and exploitation of oil reserves in Alaska to the long term feasibility of nuclear and solar energy, it’s all a big deal.

Another big deal is the feasibility of molecular manufacturing. Recently some arguments have been leveled against it but, the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology reports that these arguments are based on false premises. Since molecular manufacturing, if it’s feasible, can only make current fuel cells that much more efficient the two subjects are related in my mind.

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