Time wasted on vitalism

Living things are complex machines. The mind is a process that occurs with the machine of the brain. There is no magical life substance or mind substance. There is no division between life and death, mind and mindlessness. It’s all a continuum and many things lie in the gray area. Life and mind can be created artificially or emerge from natural, blind processes.

Saying this scares some people because it implies that gods and souls aren’t necessary; they’re irrelevant. The religious and the mystical are left only with faith, faith in purpose and meaning. Science doesn’t really say anything about purpose and meaning.

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It's weird to see things revive

Now I’m truly old. I’ve lived to see punk and thrash return to the station formerly known as KCMU. I guess the kids think it’s hip to be angry again. I’m glad! I was getting completely, aardvarkly sick of the whiney, neo-paisley, post-cobain stuff that passes for college radio these days. It stopped being fun after Hammerbox broke up. Good to see the hyperactivity return.

Still it’s kind of weird to think there isn’t any new sounds out there to replace the tired stuff now. Punk is fun but revivials do not creativity make.

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Should I shut this thing down?

The trouble with writing things here is that I want to use it for at least three different purposes:

  1. As a lab notebook for web design, XML and such.
  2. Vague thoughts of the future of technology and society. I suppose if I was a real programmer/inventor I could combine this with purpose one.
  3. Reviews of books, television, films, music, games that I’ve experienced.

I seem to do better at commenting on what others have written than in initializing my own thoughts. This happens all the time when I comment on threads I’ve read on Orkut. I’ve wasted some great rants there! Rants that I should have here. But I can’t have here simply because the general public reads this and I have to defend my privacy. To write well, you really have to care about something.

The trouble with blogs is that you’ve got to keep adding new material. You’ve got to have a large mine of material to unearth.

If I were hacking on some daily project to work on, I could give you all updates on my progress or lack thereof on that. If I were like the technoprogressive pundits and journos over at WorldChanging I’d probably have a lot of news stories to post here that emphasize that viewpoint. If I weren’t utterly exhausted with refuting the undying mountain of pseudoscience, I’d probably talk more about my atheism and skepticism. If I approached and documented my creative work as a role-playing gamemaster more seriously, I could write about that.

At least I’ll be amassing more music to talk about in the near future, thanks to digital technology.

This site is a lot like my life. I’m too afraid to commit to anything in serious way. I seem content to run around in a million directions at once. As such I get much early exposre to a lot of hip stuff but I never engage in it long enough to really establish a name for myself. I’m lazy. To establish yourself as an expert in a field of endeavor requires a lot of hard work and a lot of focus. I seem unwilling to do either. I was in on the ground floor of accessible web design but, I never became a household name for it.

Sometimes this blog seems to ask me, “What are you waiting for?”

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I have decided I don't like MT

On March 13th around 5:55 in the morning, I had just finished installing MovableType.

It’s actually a well written piece of software, at least by my naive technician’s eyes, but, I simply don’t like the way the URLs are implemented. Some of directories MT creates don’t terminate in an index page. To me that’s a no-no in URL design. GM has ugly URLs too but at least their more friendly than MT’s. After languishing for a week or so, I restored a backup of my site.

Sigh. It looks like I’m just going to have to keep hacking GM beyond all recognition.

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Well, so long GreyMatter

It’s been fun. It’s been nearly 4 years since I installed Greymatter and then extensively changed it to meet my needs. But now that I see that the Fish was able to install version 3.1 of MovableType and we share the same server, it’s time for me to explore this.

I’ve read that it has a restrictive license so, there really isn’t a community of people contributing code to it. But we’ll see how neat it is. If I don’t like it, I can always put my GM installation back.

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The Bakafish Joins the 21st Century

With a small amount of help from me, Baka has been working on a layout-table-free, semantic and pure CSS facelift for his site. He had just sent his penultimate draft to me last night. I looked it over and it looks nearly perfect! It renders just fine in Firefox and even IE6 on Windows. Opera 7.54 still looks a little dodgy but I think that can be compensated for with the right hiding tricks. He still has to optimize things a bit for Safari but he’s very close to finished.

I’m really happy to hear this! I’ve been doing things this way for the last six or so years. It’s just nice to see more and more people find the enlightenment of a better way of web design.

Baka has done it! He’s gone purely semantic and valid! Plus he’s added a blog! Hooray!

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MSN takes the plunge into standards

As I’ve mentioned repeatedly, back in the late Nineties I was the webmaster for Microsoft’s accessibility pages. Back in those days IE for Windows was really the only game in town for CSS support but, I’d read about the WaSP, saw where the future was headed and became a true believer. But rather than repeat that story, I want to note that MSN’s latest facelift is apparently attempting to validate as XHTML 1 strict.

Hm. If my former employers are finally apprehending why web standards matter in terms of ease of maintenance, ease of development, reduction in server bandwidth and improvements in usability and accessibility, then perhaps it is time for me to come in from the cold. If I ever really was out in the cold.

I never really started to toot my horn about my time at Microsoft until recently. This was mostly because I was afraid I didn’t know enough. My time as a freelancer during the bust years taught me a lot but I still haven’t design web applications entirely from scratch. I think I have to start doing that.

Ah. I am just second guessing myself again. The decision I made back in the summer of 2000 was the correct one. It may have been an emotional hunch but sometimes that’s all you’ve got. I felt I was stagnating. I knew this would be bad for the team. I knew or at least felt that the only way to force myself to learn things is to throw myself into freefall. That’s what I did. I made the right choice.

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For Future Web Design Reference

My news feeds are getting out of hand. I now have more wonderful stuff to read than I have I have time. So in a effort to follow these things up later, when the Web hits a dry patch, I plan to save the links here with brief descriptions. This is mostly for my benefit as a web technician.

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Is this some horror unknown?

So let’s see if I can add a new entry with the XStandard editor!

Yes, I can.

Later, upon entry revision, I see that if I add something to the extended area but later erase it, XStandard retains a nonbreaking space bounded by paragraph tags. Sigh. Still, much better than my javascript hack that I’ve been using to generate entries for these last 4 years.

Anyway–it’s been a long time since my last entry! I’ve been very busy with holidays and work and I’ve been dithering over whether to add XStandard as my editor for Greymatter. (I wonder if I should still be calling my blog script Greymatter. I’ve forked so far that it doesn’t really apply anymore.)

So a lot has happened:

  • I’ve been talking the Fish. Giving him advice on CSS, accessibility and standards compliance for his site facelift–if he ever gets around to it.
  • I’ve also been trying to convince him to install python on this server. If that get’s done, I plan port Greymatter into python. It will still generate static pages with no dynamic data access. I plan to clean the script up a bunch, make it more secure, more efficient.
  • Either that or replace it entirely. My installation is getting overloaded with gadgetry installed on a rather messy code base.
  • I finished and launched a new site for my latest customer.
  • Considering how steady my work has been these last few months. It may be that my freelance career is finally firming up into a profitable business. We’ll see. It really depends on how deligent I am with my paperwork and networking.

I’ve also been collecting a lot of interesting pages from my news reader. I’ll post these in later entries.

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day

"Don’t let anybody make you think God chose America as his divine messianic force to be a sort of policeman of the whole world. God has a way of standing before the nations with justice and it seems I can hear God saying to America, ‘You are too arrogant, and if you don’t change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power, and I will place it in the hands of a nation that doesn’t even know my name. Be still and know that I’m God. Men will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks, and nations shall not rise up against nations, neither shall they study war anymore.’"

I’ve found this MLK quote recently. Funny how things said during Vietnam seem so relevant now.

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